
Sunday 7 February 2016

Saturday Spin

About time we posted a bit of local flavour so this afternoon we hooked up with F-i-N for a coffee and a late afternoon spin around town. There is certainly a hint of spring in the air and the plum blossom is just starting to show in the park... 

Fuji x blossom.
We stopped into the wonderful Bicycle Maru to check out what's new...

Salsa at Bicycle Maru.
Where they have a beautiful Cicli Katsuo MTB...

Cicli Katsuo MTB. 
F-i-N got a chance to see what a fat tyre bike can do...

F-i-N goes FAT!
Up in the park taking photos. Sometimes the deer just know how to make a perfect shot...

Shika x Nagasawa.
And sometimes they make you work for it...

Shika x F-i-N.
Cheers as always to F-i-N and a big thank you to Bicycle Maru. You can get regular update from the Bicycle Maru store by following their Instagram and Facebook pages.
