
Saturday 23 January 2016

Friday Night @ GiraCha Coffee

Yoda Welcomes You.
A few shots taken last week at GiraCha Coffee. They're in the process of re-locating the main bike shop so the coffee shop is full of bikes and parts and lots of lovely accessories...

Nagasawa frame.
Hanging from the rafters are so many beautiful frames...

Frame porn.
Including a few very vintage BMX frames...

Frame Porn 2.
Kid's Bikes.
Custom Flat-1 Cony.
Fresh out of the workshop was this gorgeous custom build Cherubim...

Miyata Pongo.
Parts Porn.
Around the cafe counter are the bags and clothing...

Caps not Hats.
Gira Art.
We'll be back to report of the newly located bike shop next month. You can follow Gira Gira via their Facebook page, the GiraCha Walnut Club Instagram and the SayaCafe Instagram.

Great Coffee Too!