When Gira Gira opened their coffee shop last year they moved a lot of stock from the main store to the new coffee shop. The main shop got a bit of a makeover, leaving space to showcase their wealth of track bikes, frames and parts. We dropped in last week and Rene was kind enough to let us take a stack of photos...

Hanging in the window is a very rare, beautiful Hechins track frame, just waiting to be built up...
Above that a Samson...
Naturally, there is some pretty nice Nagasawa kit on display around the store...
Hanging from the ceiling are all the tempting frames. So many beautiful frames...
It's not all track action though, there is some seriously cool vintage BMX kit on show too...
And then there are the parts. So many lovely parts...
Just a stunning shop, possibly the best fixed gear shop in Japan, maybe even the world! If Gira Gira before was fixie heaven then now it is NJS paradise! You can follow the shop on their Facebook page and international mail order is available through their Track Supermarket website.