
Tuesday 9 December 2014

Coffee Cruise

Brad and Pete at the boating pond.
A gentle Sunday afternoon cruise around a cold but sunny Nara before heading into town to grab a coffee....

Rest stop.
View from Nigastu-do
Lined up at Todai-ji
Pete's Bubba. Photo credit:F -i-N
Surly over Nara city. Photo credit:F -i-N
Locked. Photo credit:F -i-N
Bubba's in town. Photo credit:F -i-N
Racked up. Photo credit:F -i-N
Rest up. Photo credit:F -i-N
A perfect way to spend an afternoon, gentle riding, nice sights, good company and great coffee. Cheers to Brad for sharing the photos and welcome to Nara Pete.

Rickshaw. Photo credit:F -i-N